Mental Health

Struggling to deal with everyday situations? Experiencing excessive worry, low mood, anxiety, depression or a lack of interest. 



There are a number of services available to you that can help. 

Vitaminds Self Referral work in partnership with the NHS to provide talking therapy services and counselling in Leicester and Leicestershire. 

Turning point- Struggling with substance misuse. Turning point is a free, easy access, totally confidential service. 

Samaritans- need someone to talk to you. You can access the Samaritans, by text, or telephone or even visit them in branch. 

Improve your mental wellbeing all you need to know guide.

Get urgent advice or support

If you, or someone you care about, need urgent advice or support for your mental health you can call:

This number is open 24 hours a day and is totally free and confidential.