Clinics We Offer

A wide variety of clinics are held within the Practice by our experienced practice nurses and other health professionals. Some of the clinics are listed below which can vary from time to time.
The emphasis is in monitoring treatment, continuing education and advising on self-management and recognising when chronic conditions such as COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) or diabetes are getting worse and educating patients so they know what they should do in such situations.
- Anticoagulation clinic
- Asthma clinic
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) clinic
- Diabetes clinic
- Ear irrigation
- Family planning (Including coil fitting and implants)
- Hypertension clinic
- Immunisations
- Maternity services provided by the community midwives.
- Minor operations
- NHS health check clinic
- Physiotherapy clinic
- Social Prescribing Clinic
This is not an exhaustive list as we regularly review the range of clinics we provide to meet the needs of our patients so please ask at reception.

Minor Surgery
The practice has now resumed our minor surgery and steroid injection clinics. If you have any skin tags, cysts, ganglions you wish to be removed contact the practice to arrange an appointment.